IUS Bio Pharmaceutical Care Enterprises Inc. Has rapidly evolved from its origins, as a humble retail pharmacy with a dedicated focus on oncology products. Learn More


At IUS Bio Pharmaceutical Care Enterprises Inc., integrity, compassion, and dedication, form the cornerstone of our values.


To provide accessible and affordable chemotherapy medications, ensuring cancer patients receive quality care to complete their treatment.


We envision a future where every individual is empowered with the knowledge to prevent, detect, and effectively treat cancer.

Product Focus

We strive to provide drugs that focus on providing quality and safe treatment options for Cancer Management. As a cancer survivor herself, our founder is committed to finding solutions for the compassionate compliance of chemotherapy regimen, to fortifying the body’s natural defenses, thereby contributing to a better quality of life

Future Endeavors

Driven by our unwavering dedication to advance the immune system’s health in oncology care, we aspire to continue expanding our product line, that would be beneficial to the Filipino people. Our commitment remains steadfast in our pursuit to distribute quality and affordable pharmaceutical solutions that offer renewed hope and vitality to those affected by cancer.

IUS Bio Pharmaceutical Care Enterprises Inc. stands as a beacon of hope, embodying a relentless dedication in improving the lives of individuals undergoing cancer treatment through our unwavering commitment in enhancing the immune system’s health to aid their fight against cancer.

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